On the application of Gaussian graphical models to paired data problems


Gaussian graphical models are nowadays commonly applied to the comparison of groups sharing the same variables, by jointy learning their independence structures. We consider the case where there are exactly two dependent groups and the association structure is represented by a family of coloured Gaussian graphical models suited to deal with paired data problems. To learn the two dependent graphs, together with their across-graph association structure, we implement a fused graphical lasso penalty. We carry out a comprehensive analysis of this approach, with special attention to the role played by some relevant submodel classes. In this way, we provide a broad set of tools for the application of Gaussian graphical models to paired data problems. These include results useful for the specification of penalty values in order to obtain a path of lasso solutions and an ADMM algorithm that solves the fused graphical lasso optimization problem. Finally, we present an application of our method to cancer genomics where it is of interest to compare cancer cells with a control sample from histologically normal tissues adjacent to the tumor. All the methods described in this article are implemented in the 𝚁 package 𝚙𝚍𝚐𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚘 availabe at this https URL.

Alberto Roverato
Alberto Roverato
Full Professor
